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Creating a Sustainable Farming Future in Tanzania: By Feed the Future

January 25, 2018

The agriculture sector is the backbone of Tanzania’s economy, contributing to 30 percent of the national gross domestic product and employing more than 67 percent of the population. But while agriculture may be the key to Tanzania’s sustainable economic development, it is the country’s growing youth population that holds Tanzania’s future in their hands.

In Pictures: Tanzanian Girl's Long Walk to Education, BBC News

January 25, 2018

Photos of an eight-year-old Tanzanian girl's one-and-a-half hour trek to school, avoiding snakes, traffic, trains and potential kidnappers.

Why Women's Education in Tanzania is Critical for Slowing Population Growth: By Damian Carrington, Guardian News

January 25, 2018

Tackling the taboo of mothers returning to school, say campaigners, will reduce the rate of teenage pregnancies


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